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ASCII Table 0-127
Symb Dec Bin Oct Hex HTML Description
NUL 0 0 0 0x00 � Null char
SOH 1 1 1 0x01  Start of Heading
STX 2 10 2 0x02  Start of Text
ETX 3 11 3 0x03  End of Text
EOT 4 100 4 0x04  End of Transmission
ENQ 5 101 5 0x05  Enquiry
ACK 6 110 6 0x06  Acknowledgement
BEL 7 111 7 0x07  Bell
BS 8 1000 10 0x08  Back Space
HT 9 1001 11 0x09 	 Horizontal Tab
LF 10 1010 12 0x0A 
 Line Feed
VT 11 1011 13 0x0B  Vertical Tab
FF 12 1100 14 0x0C  Form Feed
CR 13 1101 15 0x0D 
 Carriage Return
SO 14 1110 16 0x0E  Shift Out / X-On
SI 15 1111 17 0x0F  Shift In / X-Off
DLE 16 10000 20 0x10  Data Line Escape
DC1 17 10001 21 0x11  Device Control 1 (oft.XON)
DC2 18 10010 22 0x12  Device Control 2
DC3 19 10011 23 0x13  Device Control 3 (oft.XOFF)
DC4 20 10100 24 0x14  Device Control 4
NAK 21 10101 25 0x15  Negative Acknowledgement
SYN 22 10110 26 0x16  Synchronous Idle
ETB 23 10111 27 0x17  End of Transmit Block
CAN 24 11000 30 0x18  Cancel
EM 25 11001 31 0x19  End of Medium
SUB 26 11010 32 0x1A  Substitute
ESC 27 11011 33 0x1B  Escape
FS 28 11100 34 0x1C  File Separator
GS 29 11101 35 0x1D  Group Separator
RS 30 11110 36 0x1E  Record Separator
US 31 11111 37 0x1F  Unit Separator
  32 100000 40 0x20   Space
! 33 100001 41 0x21 ! Exclamation mark
34 100010 42 0x22 " Double quotes
# 35 100011 43 0x23 # Number
$ 36 100100 44 0x24 $ Dollar
% 37 100101 45 0x25 % Percent
& 38 100110 46 0x26 & Ampersand
39 100111 47 0x27 ' Single quote
( 40 101000 50 0x28 ( Open bracket
) 41 101001 51 0x29 ) Close bracket
* 42 101010 52 0x2A * Asterisk
+ 43 101011 53 0x2B + Plus
, 44 101100 54 0x2C , Comma
- 45 101101 55 0x2D - Hyphen
. 46 101110 56 0x2E . Dot | Period
/ 47 101111 57 0x2F / Slash or divide
0 48 110000 60 0x30 0 Zero
1 49 110001 61 0x31 1 One
2 50 110010 62 0x32 2 Two
3 51 110011 63 0x33 3 Three
4 52 110100 64 0x34 4 Four
5 53 110101 65 0x35 5 Five
6 54 110110 66 0x36 6 Six
7 55 110111 67 0x37 7 Seven
8 56 111000 70 0x38 8 Eight
9 57 111001 71 0x39 9 Nine
: 58 111010 72 0x3A : Colon
; 59 111011 73 0x3B &#59; Semicolon
< 60 111100 74 0x3C &#60; Less than
= 61 111101 75 0x3D &#61; Equals
> 62 111110 76 0x3E &#62; Greater than
? 63 111111 77 0x3F &#63; Question mark
@ 64 1000000 100 0x40 &#64; At symbol
A 65 1000001 101 0x41 &#65; Uppercase A
B 66 1000010 102 0x42 &#66; Uppercase B
C 67 1000011 103 0x43 &#67; Uppercase C
D 68 1000100 104 0x44 &#68; Uppercase D
E 69 1000101 105 0x45 &#69; Uppercase E
F 70 1000110 106 0x46 &#70; Uppercase F
G 71 1000111 107 0x47 &#71; Uppercase G
H 72 1001000 110 0x48 &#72; Uppercase H
I 73 1001001 111 0x49 &#73; Uppercase I
J 74 1001010 112 0x4A &#74; Uppercase J
K 75 1001011 113 0x4B &#75; Uppercase K
L 76 1001100 114 0x4C &#76; Uppercase L
M 77 1001101 115 0x4D &#77; Uppercase M
N 78 1001110 116 0x4E &#78; Uppercase N
O 79 1001111 117 0x4F &#79; Uppercase O
P 80 1010000 120 0x50 &#80; Uppercase P
Q 81 1010001 121 0x51 &#81; Uppercase Q
R 82 1010010 122 0x52 &#82; Uppercase R
S 83 1010011 123 0x53 &#83; Uppercase S
T 84 1010100 124 0x54 &#84; Uppercase T
U 85 1010101 125 0x55 &#85; Uppercase U
V 86 1010110 126 0x56 &#86; Uppercase V
W 87 1010111 127 0x57 &#87; Uppercase W
X 88 1011000 130 0x58 &#88; Uppercase X
Y 89 1011001 131 0x59 &#89; Uppercase Y
Z 90 1011010 132 0x5A &#90; Uppercase Z
[ 91 1011011 133 0x5B &#91; Opening bracket
\ 92 1011100 134 0x5C &#92; Backslash
] 93 1011101 135 0x5D &#93; Closing bracket
^ 94 1011110 136 0x5E &#94; Caret / Circumflex
_ 95 1011111 137 0x5F &#95; Underscore
` 96 1100000 140 0x60 &#96; Grave accent
a 97 1100001 141 0x61 &#97; Lowercase a
b 98 1100010 142 0x62 &#98; Lowercase b
c 99 1100011 143 0x63 &#99; Lowercase c
d 100 1100100 144 0x64 &#100; Lowercase d
e 101 1100101 145 0x65 &#101; Lowercase e
f 102 1100110 146 0x66 &#102; Lowercase f
g 103 1100111 147 0x67 &#103; Lowercase g
h 104 1101000 150 0x68 &#104; Lowercase h
i 105 1101001 151 0x69 &#105; Lowercase i
j 106 1101010 152 0x6A &#106; Lowercase j
k 107 1101011 153 0x6B &#107; Lowercase k
l 108 1101100 154 0x6C &#108; Lowercase l
m 109 1101101 155 0x6D &#109; Lowercase m
n 110 1101110 156 0x6E &#110; Lowercase n
o 111 1101111 157 0x6F &#111; Lowercase o
p 112 1110000 160 0x70 &#112; Lowercase p
q 113 1110001 161 0x71 &#113; Lowercase q
r 114 1110010 162 0x72 &#114; Lowercase r
s 115 1110011 163 0x73 &#115; Lowercase s
t 116 1110100 164 0x74 &#116; Lowercase t
u 117 1110101 165 0x75 &#117; Lowercase u
v 118 1110110 166 0x76 &#118; Lowercase v
w 119 1110111 167 0x77 &#119; Lowercase w
x 120 1111000 170 0x78 &#120; Lowercase x
y 121 1111001 171 0x79 &#121; Lowercase y
z 122 1111010 172 0x7A &#122; Lowercase z
{ 123 1111011 173 0x7B &#123; Opening brace
| 124 1111100 174 0x7C &#124; Vertical bar
} 125 1111101 175 0x7D &#125; Closing brace
~ 126 1111110 176 0x7E &#126; Equivalency / Tilde
DEL 127 1111111 177 0x7F &#127; Delete


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a character encoding standard used in electronic communication. An ASCII code is a numeric representation of a character, such as a letter, number, or punctuation mark, that is used to represent that character in digital communications.

In ASCII, each character is assigned a unique code that consists of a seven-bit binary number (0s and 1s). This code can then be translated into decimal, hexadecimal, or octal representation for use in programming and other digital applications. For example, the ASCII code for the letter "A" is 65, the code for the letter "a" is 97, and the code for the digit "1" is 49.

ASCII is one of the oldest character encoding standards and is still widely used today in many computer systems and programming languages.

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